In Acres of Diamonds by R Conwell the author talks about the nobility of becoming wealthy in order to do more good, and that oftentimes what we are searching for is right under our nose in ‘our own backyard’.
Kimuni is now in your backyard!
Imagine that you could take your gifts and talents and combine them with a monetary economic system which could expand your wealth, do good and leave a lasting legacy. Enter Kimuni and its new economy.
When I first came across Kimuni I was intrigued and opened a private vault for free. I did so more from instinct than understanding.
Rumbling in the periphery of my mind was the question as to how I could expand my coaching and mentoring services, to reach more in an affordable way, while integrating philanthropy.
I realised the purchasing power of money was in grave decline and the traditional economic models were imploding. I was seeking inspiration but did not make any immediate firm connection.
I had come across an alternative banking model based on digital gold and silver and had started to add this to the mix, looking to integrate gold and silver payments.
The blockchain technology made this exciting and progressive compared to traditional banking models.
When I opened the Kimuni vault and entered, which took only seconds, I was surprised to see such an innovative functional system because I had been used to seeing innovative projects in a half baked concept phase and very much the subject of crowdfunding initiatives.
I was impressed by the look and feel of what I saw. The layout, assets and educational content looked very intriguing, neatly and efficiently presented with top notch design and functionality.
The care and attention to detail were not lost on me with the ethos, values and purpose etched and conveyed in the design of the Key Assets.
For example kimuni translates to ‘quality money’ and the economic system which builds round this concept has a flag in which the blue poppy himalayan flower symbolically conveys prosperity, imagination and success.
At the same time my sense of intrigue was overtaken by overwhelm. I felt like I had stepped into an unknown world in which I did not understand what I was looking at, let alone grasp how to use it. It warranted further exploration as I knew, not all that glitters is necessarily gold.
My background in psychiatry had taught me that when anything new and innovative is presented to the mind, the mind tends to search the filing cabinet of its memories and experiences and if it does not find anything familiar, it will either dismiss the new out of hand or put it to one side for some time.
The latter happened to me initially. However, as someone drawn to the unusual, it never left me.
Even though I was not entirely new to cryptocurrency and blockchain as examples of innovation, Kimuni seemed distinct with its own language. It had the feel of unusual!
My journey since Nov 2019 has been to close the gap between instinct and understanding in order to grasp the potential benefits and the problems Kimuni solves.
And the recent ‘lockdown’ provided the opportunity to immerse myself further and review the concept, vision and system again.
I now feel a growing sense about the economic possibilities this can bring for all as it continues to roll out new layers of its ecosystem. It is truly exciting and has been right under my nose.